Manmeet Brar; Sonia Bolina; and Shazia Kazani
The following sections will discuss the different methods of on-the-job training and how they can be applied in the workplace. They include helpful hints and multiple-choice and reflective questions that will assist you with learning the material in this chapter.
Peer Teaching
Peer teaching occurs when students or colleagues teach one another. Peer teaching is a method in which one person educates another person on any material the first person has mastered, but the second person is new to. This learning method is beneficial as it promotes active learning. It allows those teaching to reinforce their own learning, and it promotes greater comfort while peer teachers and students interact with each other (Briggs, 2017).
Leveraging Technology
With the rapid advancements in technology, many organizations leverage technology to support job training. Implementing these programs helps cut costs, provides mobile learning opportunities, and reduces the carbon footprint. Some examples of how organizations have been leveraging technology in the workplace in terms of on-the-job training are web-conferencing (Skype, Zoom, Big Blue Button), using social networks, learning modules, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, media-sharing, and mobile learning (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2020).
Stewardship involves promoting the well-being of employees at a given organization. It requires the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. There are four principles of providing stewardship.
- The principle of ownership
- The principle of responsibility
- The principle of accountability
- The principle of reward (Eldon’s Porch, 2016).

Coaching involves the development of one-on-one relationships between employees and managers. This training method provides guidance and feedback on how the coachee is performing their given task. The manager provides support and offers suggestions for improvement. Coaching helps instill the skills needed by giving employees the opportunity to apply them at work. This process is valuable because it is tailored to each individual’s needs, and it helps establish a strong workplace culture and an environment of trust and continuous improvement.
Job Rotation
Job rotation involves the movement of trainees from one job to another. This is very important, as it allows the trainees to gain knowledge and experience in each job assignment. This gives them an opportunity to understand the challenges of other jobs and gain a sense of respect for their coworkers. This encourages professional development and gives employees a break from always doing the same job.
Apprenticeship Training
Apprenticeship training is a more formalized method of training. It combines education learned in the classroom with supervised on-the-job work. Most apprenticeship programs take up to 3-4 years until they are considered complete in that trade or profession. People who work in crafts, trades and technical areas are the ones who are most likely to have to complete an apprenticeship program. This is important not only for the employee but for the organization as well because it builds a skilled workforce, improves job satisfaction and allows organizations to save money as they do not have to spend as much on training their employees.
Committee Assignments
Committee assignments are when a group of trainees are asked to solve an organizational problem. The trainees work together and offer solutions to the problem. This is important, as it helps the trainees develop the teamwork skills needed to achieve a common organizational goal.
Special Project Assignments
Trainees are assigned a project related to their jobs. This could involve one or multiple trainees working together on a project that relates to their functional area. They analyze the problem and submit recommendations based on their analysis and what they have experienced. Special project assignments help in identifying organizational problems from a different perspective. When trainees work together, they obtain knowledge and learn how to work with others who have a viewpoint different from their own (Naorem, 2019).
Example: Someone may be interested in event planning, and so they are given the opportunity to work as part of a special events team. This is work they may not otherwise do but are interested in.
Mentoring is similar to coaching in that they both support growth establish confidence in relationships and provide constant guidance to the trainees. Coaching is a short-term process, whereas mentoring is a long-term process based on mutual trust and respect (Published: Feb 19, 2016).
A mentor is usually someone other than a supervisor or manager, who has but a high level of knowledge or expertise. They invest their time, and effort in the person over a period of time. Based on mutual consent, the mentor and mentee focus on career or professional development. The mentor and mentee relationship can be established through the organization if they are paired up, and it can could continue for nine months to a year depending on the type of mentorship (Naorem, 2019).
The mentor helps the organization by supporting their trainee to ensure they are working to the expected standards. Organizational values and processes are taught to the trainee through the mentor as developing the trainee is their objective (Naorem, 2019).
The trainee and mentee have constant access to support, friendship, information, learning, and coaching (Naorem, 2019).
Selective Readings
Selective readings are geared towards executives who are provided with reading tools to further develop their understanding and boost their knowledge in their functional area. The reading tools can vary from books, to journals, or articles (Naorem, 2019).
eLearning is a cost-effective method organizations can implement that does not require the presence of an instructor. Employees can be trained remotely, and access to trainers can be made readily available through social networks and eLearning platforms. Techniques for delivering content can include audio and video recordings, presentations, quizzes, surveys, games, discussion groups and much more.
Trainees have the advantage of logging into the eLearning courses at their convenience, and they are not required to be at a specific physical location. Courses can provide the trainee with hands-on training, as they go through various scenarios on how to conduct a transaction as if they were in real time (Dutta, 2021).
Example: A bank teller can take an online course on how to complete a deposit transaction for a customer. They will be given the details as if there was someone in front of them, and they will go through the steps as they would in real time.
Organizations can develop customized courses to equip their employees with the skills necessary for their position. Ongoing training through e-Learning channels allows employees to stay current with the knowledge and skills they require throughout their duration of employment.