Eisha Bhangu; Jovenvir Birk; and Xinyu Cao
Organizations invest large amounts of effort and money into designing and implementing training programs in the hopes of helping their employees acquire better skillsets and become more productive at work. However, a poorly designed training program will not only fail to achieve this goal but will also waste the resources and time devoted to the training program. Training programs are evaluated to ensure they are effective in helping organizations achieve their objectives (Keller, n.d.). Evaluating training programs is an essential part of ensuring the training process benefits the business (Keller, n.d.).
In this article, Bretz (2018) metaphorically describes an organization as a vehicle. A properly designed training program provides direction for the vehicle so it can move toward the destination, which represents the various objectives the organization is aiming to achieve (Bretz, 2018). During the evaluation process, organizations can identify areas for improvement in their current training programs and make the training more engaging and informative (Bahu, 2020). Another benefit of training program evaluation is that it can help ensure trainers and trainees are on track toward fulfilling the goals of the organization (Bahu, 2020).

Training programs that are consistently evaluated and adjusted provide employees with valuable learning experience and confidence in performing their daily tasks. This will help reduce employee turnover, which can ultimately reduce the effort and money invested in excessive recruitment and selection processes (Bahu, 2020). When employees receive better training, another benefit for the organization is increased ROI, as employees acquire better skillsets and improve their performance (Bahu, 2020). This can lead to increased productivity, thereby leading to an increase in profits.
Criteria for Evaluating Training Programs
Properly designed training programs are an efficient way of ensuring the employees can improve their current skillsets. This has led to organizations investing large amounts of money into training programs. To achieve the maximum results, it is essential that the programs are evaluated and improved regularly. When assessing a training program, several criteria should be considered.
1. Whether the training content is interactive:
Having interactive training content ensures the learning will be transferred to the learners.
2. Will the learners receive feedback from the training:
Receiving feedback from the process is essential when trainees are acquiring new knowledge and skills. Giving the participants the opportunity to practice and make mistakes during the training will help them develop better recall and gain an improved understanding of the concepts (Taylor, 2016).
3. Is the training taking place in a safe environment:
As the trainees will be practicing new knowledge and skills, it is essential to ensure the training is provided in a safe environment where mistakes are allowed and will not be judged. It is also important to notify the trainees that they are well-supported during the training sessions and can seek help if needed (Taylor, 2016).
4. Is the training motivating:
Organizations need to seek approaches that encourage trainees to participate in the training to achieve the maximum training results (Taylor, 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to ensure training is engaging and motivating for trainees.
5. Whether the training has a clear objective:
To help the learners understand the purpose of the training, the training itself must provide a clear objective so the trainees can have a goal to work toward (Mancini, 2013).