Sanjiv Bassi; Vidhia Fowdar; Daman Gill; and Vinay Pillai

Learning Management Systems (LMS) as Delivery Models 

On-demand training that is delivered digitally is the future of corporate learning. As technology continues to evolve and take over the delivery models, we will talk more about on-demand training, specifically in this section.

Online employee training software helps employees grow through the development, delivery and management of staff training programs. LMS are software applications or web-based technological platforms that assess and implement specific learning processes (Brush, 2019). LMS platforms can be used by large or small organizations to offer interactive and relevant training as well as track individual learners’ success.

How LMS systems work according to Brush (2019):

  • Responsive design– Platforms can be easily accessed by trainees by using devices such as phones, desktops, and laptops.
  • User-friendly interface– Trainees are easily able to find the content they are looking for.
  • Reports and analytics– By using eLearning assessment tools, instructors can easily view and track their training initiatives to gauge whether they are effective or need to be readjusted.
  • Gamification– These are features within the platform that allow instructors to create interesting courses that keep the audience engaged.
  • Localization– This helps the program overcome language barriers so the audience is able to understand the lessons.
  • Artificial intelligence– This allows the instructor to receive recommendations for future courses based on those already completed and learn what the audience may be interested in.

Different Types of Learning Management Systems:

  • Cloud-based
  • Self-hosted
  • Desktop Application
  • Mobile Application

Benefits of LMSs, (Brush, 2019):

  • Easily monitor user progress and performance.
  • Increased eLearning accessibility without geographic limitations.
  • Ability to personalize the online training and learning experience.
  • Ability to easily update modules and learning activities.
  • The use of automation allows the user to ignore tedious and repetitive tasks and focus on more important activities.

On-demand Learning Delivery

As technology continues to evolve and be integrated into the workplace, the need for just-in-time learning has also increased. On-demand training is a strategy that involves making learning solutions available anywhere and anytime. As employees’ expectations of workplace learning have changed, they can take control of their own learning and challenge traditional learning and development structures. On-demand training can help increase employees’ engagement, productivity and overall contribution to the organization.

Benefits of On-demand Learning

Firstly, on-demand learning opportunities help learners direct their own learning by providing immediately accessible knowledge. Real-time learning is knowledge acquired based on immediate needs. By understanding the needs of learners, learning and development teams can create a learning platform that delivers rich digital resources to employees.

According to Bastiaan, (2021), some key characteristics of real-time learning are:

  • Its lessons are usually short (3 to 5 mins long)
  • It can be applied for both formal and informal training.
  • It is designed to meet a particular learning goal.
  • Its lessons are created in various media formats, such as video.
  • It is easily accessed and completed.
  • It is available on demand.

How Does Real-time Learning Benefit Organizations?

  • Real-time learning is cheap to build, the lessons are short, and there are few material and trainer costs.
  • Real-time learning is fast to organize and update because the lessons’ development and implementation take little time and can be done efficiently.
  • Real-time learning is highly effective as knowledge on demand enables employees to learn what they need to directly. Employees can quickly learn new skills and easily adapt to changes (Bastiaan, 2021).

Secondly, learning on demand is flexible. Employees are usually busy, and on-demand learning allows them to access training anytime and anywhere. In other words, employees can engage in learning at a time and place that is convenient for them. Learning content is more relevant when it is acquired at the point of need, and this allows employees to utilize the new information right away. By supporting employee learning in real-time, organizations can provide more value by addressing performance and knowledge gaps.

Thirdly, on-demand learning increases engagement because employees can take control of their own learning and learn at a pace that suits them. Learning at work enables employees to become better at their job which contributes to employee motivation and satisfaction. Organizations need to focus their training efforts to help increase employee performance and capabilities. Research shows that learners retain 90% of what they learn when they use it immediately. (Markovic, 2021). Hence, organizations benefit from on-demand training as it results in increased productivity and better performance.


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People Learning and Development by Sanjiv Bassi; Vidhia Fowdar; Daman Gill; and Vinay Pillai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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