Bhavnit Sarai; Daniela San Pedro; and Hannah Doyle
Blended training is a combination of online learning and hands-on training that integrates theory and practice to increase the effectiveness of the training (Train and Develop, n.d.). By using a blended training approach, organizations have the flexibility of offering both online and face-to-face training. The approach has many advantages for leaders of organizations as well as managers and employees. Here is why:
- It is cost-effective when training a large group
- Consistency in training and content delivery between hands-on and online training
- Flexibility – it can be adapted to an individual’s learning style or the type of training being provided (Train and Develop, n.d.).

According to Blended Learning For Better Results, incorporating the right blended training allows trainees to be trained effectively and increases the retention rate of trainees. If trainees are told what to do, they will remember less than 20% of the information -; if they are instead shown how to do it, they will remember up to 50% of the lesson; and if they can do the task themselves, they will remember up to 80% of the information (Mills, 2018).