If you are primarily interested in exploring concrete examples of quality design principles, consider jumping directly to the examples, strategies, and templates included throughout this module. These are drawn from real courses and instructors across disciplines and learning contexts.
4.4 Building teaching presence during term
- Examples of welcome announcements
- Examples of weekly announcements
- Examples of sharing your personality
- Examples of individual communications
4.5 Fostering social presence during term
4.6 Assessing and revising your course
4.4 Building teaching presence during term
- Welcome announcements
- Weekly announcements
- Sharing your personality
- Individual communications and timely responses
- Reaching out to learners
4.5 Fostering social presence during term
- Signalling your presence
- Balancing your involvement
- Responding to conflict and poor etiquette
- Responding to lack of engagement
- Using synchronous sessions
4.6 Assessing and revising your course
4.6 Assessing and revising your course