For those interested in learning more about particular topics in Module 4, we’ve included links to further resources below. Resources are organized by topic.

Community of Inquiry framework

Facilitating online courses in higher education

Fostering Engagement: Facilitating Online Courses in Higher Education This extensive open educational resource focuses especially on online course facilitation and teaching during a term offer. The resource includes further tips and additional examples that you may wish to explore.

Creating a teaching presence online

Teaching presence

Pearson Education (2016). Teaching Presence.This White Paper provides a research-based framework on establishing an effective teaching presence.

Online teaching tool kit

The Association of College and University Educators’ Online Teaching Tool Kit has many practical strategies and examples.

Preventing teaching burnout

8 Strategies to Prevent Teaching Burnout. Your own well-being matters too! This resource from Flower Darby presents eight helpful strategies for avoiding burnout while teaching online.

Fostering social presence online

Socratic seminars

How to Facilitate Remote Socratic Seminars. Socratic seminar teaching is challenging but also exceptionally rewarding for many online courses. This article provides some strategies for bringing Socratic dialogue into your online class.

Synchronous learning

Increasing Student Engagement During Synchronous Online Classes. This article contains a number of considerations and strategies for encouraging more student engagement during live sessions online.

Assessing and revising your course

Reflective review and revision

Reflective Course Review and Revision: An Overview of a Process to Improve Course Pedagogy and Structure (PDF). This academic paper provides a deep dive into the theory and process of reviewing and revising courses, especially online.

Quality scorecard

OLC Quality Scorecard. The resources from the Online Learning Consortium on this page can be used to conduct an in-depth structured review of a given online course or of an entire curriculum and more. The OSCQR course design review scorecard included on the page is considered the gold standard among review tools of this nature for individual courses.


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High Quality Online Courses by University of Waterloo; Queen's University; University of Toronto; and Conestoga College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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