

Barker, K. (2001) Creating quality guidelines for online education and training: consultation workbook Vancouver BC: Canadian Association for Community Education

BC Ministry of Education (2010) Standards for K-12 Distributed Learning in British Columbia v3.0 Victoria BC: BC Ministry of Education


Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE).

Research Center for Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University


Quality Matters https://www.qualitymatters.org/qa-resources/rubric-standards


JISC (2009) Effective Practice in a Digital Age Bristol UK: JISC

Quality Assurance Agency https://www.qaa.ac.uk/


European Open Quality Initiative (OPAL)


The 2008 report “E-learning quality: Aspects and criteria for evaluation of e-learning in higher education” is part of an ongoing endeavour by the Swedish National Agency of Higher Education to develop knowledge about what constitutes quality in e-learning, and how such quality may be assessed within the framework of a national quality assurance system.


Marshall, S. (2006). E-Learning Maturity Model Version Two: New Zealand Tertiary Institution E-Learning Capability: Informing and Guiding E-Learning Architectural Change and Development Project Report. Wellington NZ: New Zealand Ministry of Education


E-standards for Training (http://e-standards.flexiblelearning.net.au/)

Commonwealth of Learning

Quality Assurance Microsite: http://www.col.org/QualityMS
Perspectives on Distance Education: Towards a Culture of Quality: http://www.col.org/PSQuality
Quality Assurance Toolkit: Teacher Education: http://www.col.org/QAToolkit_TE
Quality Assurance Toolkit: Higher Education: http://www.col.org/QAToolkit_HE


The European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (EFQUEL) has in my view a very enlightened approach to quality assurance. EFQUEL’s web site is well worth exploring. UNIQUe  is their e-learning quality assurance certificate

JISC is the UK university IT network organization and has an excellent e-learning programme that includes quality standards, research and innovation. Click here for their QA focus blog


epprobate is an international quality label for courseware, an initiative of three organisations: The Learning Agency Network (LANETO), the Agence Wallonne des Télécommunication (AWT) and the e-Learning Quality Service Center. epprobate has reviewers and partners in over 30 countries and launched at the end of March 2012.


There are also other conditions beyond management and teaching that contribute toward high-quality e-learning systems. Flexible transfer of credits that recognise qualifications are taken online as well as face-to-face, and government web sites that provide accurate and reliable information about the quality online programs available within their jurisdiction, are also essential components of a high-quality e-learning system. For examples, see:

Tobite! Study Abroadhttps://www.tobitate.mext.go.jp/about/english.html

BC Transfer Guide

Education Planner


eCampus Alberta

Contact North


おそらく、公式(単位あり)および、新規開発(オープン、単位なし)のオンライン学習の両方で、品質に関する問題を最もよく網羅しているのは、Academic Partnerships が発行する次の2つの論文です。

Butcher, N. and Wilson-Strydom, M. (2013) A Guide to Quality in Online Learning Dallas TX: Academic Partnerships

Butcher, N. and Hoosen, S. (2014) A Guide to Quality in Post-traditional Online Higher Education Dallas TX: Academic Partnerships

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デジタル時代の教育 by Anthony William (Tony) Bates is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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